Saturday, February 8, 2025

                                                             IT CAN CHANGE if...
                                                   (As I Get Wiser, not just older) 
                                                                You take stock
                                                      WHAT IS YOUR LEGACY?
                                               WHAT ARE THE DOMINANT REWARDS
                                                             OR NOT REWARDS
                                                             If you don't take stock
                                                            then it is difficult to 'see'
                                                                What is missing. 
                                                             without Resentment
                                                               and rationalizing 
                                                                   or reasoning
                                                          Why it is ' the way it is'
                                                   What is your circumstance this day,
                                                        Why are you afraid to count,
                                                                    to take stock!
                                                         If you don't, then you live 
                                                          what you are afraid to see.
                                                             making Peace difficult.
                                                              LET'S TAKE STOCK

Friday, January 31, 2025

 As tribal entities and beings, we are members of a "community" in nature. We use this community for out living relationships and our personal and tribal needs. In turn, all things existing in nature are considered both ethically and in Spiritual respect. All existing forms have a relationship; whether we understand this connection or not.

Monday, January 27, 2025

                      Perfection is what we are spiritually

Saturday, January 25, 2025

                 Talks with Neishte Part  7

      I was told to start taking some breaths. And as you let all your air out your lungs collapse, you have a sound, which you make kinda of like your mantra. Its the last sound a human being makes, in this manifestation.  As I did that, my body began to feel unified and my body had a field of energy.      

      So what we want to do is to learn to prolong this vibration, without any force. After drawing a deep breath, let it all out, pushing the stomach towards your back, ( the diaphragm pushes against the lungs) pushing the breath out. And you make a sound as you are releasing your breath. ( Like OM or whatever). As I do that, slowly my mind begins to match with the vibration thats coming out of my beingness, out of my lungs. everybodys different , but they all sing the same song. (You are letting it all go. At this point there is no going back. There is no point in trying to carry all your worries with you)

This then becomes your dance of death.

     Grandfather, thank you for letting me be human. I appreciate this. Let me always walk in this energy. Let me always have this ability, no matter what the world of man may do.

    You learn to the sing the day, you learn to sing the morning, you learn to sing anything. You don’t have to think, sort of like drumming. Grandfather, or whatever you call it, you don’t even have to have a name, Grandfather, help me to know this. 

     Then, through this, our centers can begin to blend. And then when we look inward, we can look into that space and see what’s there. We don’t have to act like an automaton, nor do we have to act like a disobedient child. We can live this way at least on our own land. 

    Its important to practice this as much as possible before you get to the point of, “I thought I had more time,” 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

                    Life Use of the Sacred

 '          Make use of the systems' center

                            the color

                         the vibration.

                    The input is different.

             When you Locate in The head,


           Move the focus to the center needed

                    mind to heart to throat

                    heart to mind to throat.

                             and so on

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


                       Any part of your body 

                         which is not partaking of the Whole, 

                                  causes problems.

                       Why would it be any other way for Life?

                             Seal the Word of Life inside

                      The fabric of Life is every where (network of Living)

                             Life is a reward

                      Take away all opposition in your heart.