Monday, October 14, 2024


                                                       Meetings with Neishte  Part 2

Our gift begins with the creation of ourselves, in nine months, or so. Then you have gotten a gift from life at that time. 

A part of you that’s biological, it’s electrical, it’s plumbing, it’s everything needed. And it’s given to you as a gift. To us this force of life, this gift of life is the creator. The part of life that allows us to grow, we call grandfather.  

And us being able to be a spirit, an existential being, individuated naturally, within the field of life, by a gift, by the mere fact of our birth-we belong on Earth!

Friday, October 11, 2024


                                      From meetings with Neishte-part 1

               What we try to do is to get our spirit here, so that it can experience and understand and begin to embrace the life           thats given it, regardless of whats its position is with man. If you’re not born into wealth you have to go make a living.


                You might say, “Well that’s not fair” 


                Well that’s the way it is. That’s the ground rules but, it shouldn’t take away the spirituality that each one of us is seeking. To be this oneness, with this force which had us, which is truly beneficial to us in every direction.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


               So many emotions


                        hidden inside

                         part of the past left there


                  Occasionally something stirs the past 


                       and things get tangled together


                         rolling, enmeshed, combining

                  Joining in reflections,




                          becoming twisted


                           as if all of it made sense

               Taking control-becoming the most important thing


                       making everything else small in comparison 


                          going nowhere-leading nowhere.

                Don’t stay there,


                      return to the present

                The most important things are yet to be

Monday, August 26, 2024


I searched for Knowledge 

  which led to existential existence.

     States of Being beyond words

        Feelings and emotion free of encumbrances

 I smile now 

     Inside and 


In fact, my whole Beingness smiles.

Even though I don’t smile all the time

The smiling  is not a transitory state of Being

But an omnipresent state, awaiting temporary events to pass,

 And I feel the smile return

    Spreading like the morning sun

       First a beam

        Then the rising

          Till all is full

            With joy of living


Saturday, August 10, 2024


                     You are a Spirit regardless of your acceptance,

                   your knowledge or your willingness.        

                      You are individuated within the Field of Relativity.

                     It is a gift.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


            As the Spirit travels here on Earth 

          There appears to be Two Paths in Life

                -Both Paths are the Same-

           -Both Going in the same Direction-

          One is with Knowledge of Existence

      One is with the lack of Spiritual Knowledge

                   Which ever you are

                       Walk in Peace

Sunday, July 28, 2024

             Regardless of Race-Creed-Color: A Truth


                       The gift of LIfe is a blessing

                even though, if you’re suffering, in pain,

                      then it’s hard to “see” the Gifts.

                     We have to quit polluting the Earth 

             or a lot of us are not going to see the “Gifts”

                  what a legacy to hand down to our own.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


                          When the spirit is removed from Being

                                  Then the world of Shadows and    


                                       Illusion reign supreme

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


                   There will never be a time other than this one, for all of us, even though some of us may check out before others. Such is RELATIVITY. And that is why it is important to understand that the process of Being continues through many ways, eternally. So why not learn and enjoy this pause in at-oneness. 

                       Pause and use the gifts that you possess. Learning what these gifts are and how they have been impeded is a most important part of healing the oneness in each of us.

                       Paradise Lost may be more than a literary work but to understand this concept each one of us must complete a spiral of development and comprehension of our abilities.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


                The Story of the Invisible force:

We are all apertures from the Spiritual to the physical.

 Walk with the Perception of Being-alive.


Quit talking to yourself. Talk to the Creator.

Monday, July 1, 2024


                    Here is an existential offering: I am in what I call my-self,          

                     every second, every minute,  every hour, 365 days a year. 

                      And so this has been true for the entire timeage I have spent here. 

                       There were times, not so good, when I was fragmented from my Beingness. 

                        But, a faint remembrance of wholeness was always present.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

                  What we have to know is that there is a Legacy. 

                                   One of man and 


                         Then there is the Legacy of the Creator.


                 Legacy is what we give to others or what we Leave to others.


              We all see the Legacy of Man. We have to deal with this Everyday.


               What we need to leran is how to use the Legacy to the Creator.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


         If one can imagine for one brief instant, that the body is an organ by which we manifest our Beingness into the       

                                     Realitivity of our individual manifestation.

       The Body is the instrument by which we take in, assimilate, and organize the Energy within the Field around us.


       This physical body is what allows us to perform here. As the body ages, it is like all things affected by Gravity, stress and strain, to the point that it no longer can absorb and (organize) the Bio-energy around us. 

       Thereafter comes liberating the spirit.

Monday, June 24, 2024

        Now that all is said but not done

           As I gaze into the eyes

              of my Father’s portrait 

            I think of the times gone by 

               when life filled the days

                and it seems like only yesterday

                  that those eyes gave back to us.


             In the days to come 

              I wonder if my family will look 

             into my pictures and see

                the love I had for them today.


              We still have today to make those memories

                 The photographs say little

                     but the life voyage means a lot.

Friday, June 14, 2024

        Our beingness through awareness of our 'blockages' and realignment of our senses will allow our biological processes to resonate with physical changes.The intense feelings and emotional trauma of the past must be reconciled in order for our energy fields to open to natural changes. This is often very difficult to do alone. Remember that DNA both takes in light and emits it. Our basic building blocks are not just mechanistic but are also interfaces which allows mediation between our physical manifestation and our spiritual realization.

        So let us see if we can learn to fluctuate our personal energy field.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

                               It is not enough to be 'brave' in the face of the unknown. 

                 There needs to be a personal perception of 'Beingness' and the real conditions of our 

                                            manifestation in this Relative Reality.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

            Many people suffer needlessly because of mental anguish. The cure is try in everyday to become centered with the Creation energy, try to Be the gifts. Perceive when something not evident tries to consume your entire Beingness. Only the Creator and the gifts of the Creator should encompass your field of personal and/or biological energy, not just your awareness.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Use your analytical abilities to scan your surroundings.

             Perceive your environment.

Take stock of your existential situation.

             What is apparent?

Saturday, April 27, 2024


         is the awareness that I am a Spirit in a Spiritual Universe

                  and WHAT A GREAT GIFT LIFE IS.

Monday, April 15, 2024

                                            “What  you are looking for is already in you…

                                                      You already are everything you are seeking”.     -Thich Nhat Hanh-

Thursday, April 11, 2024

                          Shifting Gears

              A hard task to accomplish when the imagination system isn’t working.

              Seeing the truth will increase energy substantially. As always being vigilant as to what would interrupt or impede the harmonic individual energy system.

              Any impedance can be known but beware the mobius detail phenomenon. Over analysis can bring the personal system into play thereby complicating the perception and nature of the impedance.

The personal system can be understood by acceptance of your self as you are.  Beware or pleasure seeking personality which leads to over indulgence in the network of personality defense.

              But let me add that if the impedance cannot be immediately determined then leaving the experience in the existential mode allows for refinement and structural analysis in time.

               To be one with harmonic convergence means to have existential energy sustain interface without the need for closure but with the certainty of Being and Belonging.

               Energy systems with natural innate abilities merge with relative environments. Man always questions his purpose. Leave categories open when asking this question and go about your everyday life.

Saturday, March 30, 2024


 The sun was setting and the air promised a cool clear night. Just cold enough to have a low, warm fire. How many years      had I been on my way here? Ridiculous now that I look back upon my life.How is it that this silver haired man possessed  the knowledge of the old one’s? 

        “I just draw from it “he said. Starling me out of my introspection back into the nights edge. 

         “What did I say,” I blurted! Had I been thinking out loud?


       “ Wasn’t always that way,” he continues as if I had said nothing. He was taking my regained composure as a matter of fact.


        “There were days in my Earth time when was full of emotions and feelings. Ideas leading nowhere.”


  Neishte got up tend the fire in the house. I guess you’d call it a house. It truly was magnificent in it’s own way. Neishte and members of the community had built it.

  The Lodge was made of sawmill white oak timbers, white oak lumber on the walls, windows gathered from everywhere, and plywood. It truly had a feeling to the building and the lands. In all my life I never thought I would be here, doing this. In all my searching there had to be a reason. Why him? 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

  Growing up in my world was different enough. I don’t reckon I could have survived much more.

   It took a lot of time, years and years to find a place I belonged. The strange thing was, that I didn’t find it where I thought I would. 


  Somewhere I thought that I’d make it, somehow-someday-someway. 


  In a way I did but I found belonging was a place inside my Beingness here on this Earth in this Space but, I could not stay.


 While I’m at home, Home is still just a little way farther on,  

    From Home to Home… 


Someday you’ll be there too…Home.

Friday, March 1, 2024

     The road from internal beingness and it’s dimension, to integrating the external, from one of alienation and marginal existence, to Being in harmony (or the attempt to), is a long and perilous journey.

    For the internal to be integrated, with benevolence, from within is the first step. Integration at a psychic level of 

belongingness is the second phase of development. Then, with mind-body integration, the internal Beingness can be in 

’Sacred Space.’


   Here is the realm of true wisdom.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

 Ask for: guidance 

      On the path

Better understanding


    Of my true nature

For clarity


    On the path.

Give thanks for the gift,

Remember the path!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

       There are many gifts inside the Individual which have not been brought forth, due to many factors. Human Beings are like seeds. A lot of their growth depends upon the environment in which they find themselves. The enrichment of nutrients can greatly magnify their growth. 

       The tribal ancient knowledge of ‘Beingness’ was completely centered around the individual because each of us in a child of 

the Creator.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

               It could be said that the whole world is a community, which is true at a spiritual level.

                 By being part of a community, there are conditions of coherent belonging and impeccability which should be followed. Or, at least a serious personal aim in that direction.

                You have a responsibility to your personal Spirit/Soul to have a sacred relationship, or at least the growing of this relationship, with your everyday environment.

                Most importantly, there should be an understanding between the participants of a community, trust founded upon time spent together, and the shared effort of being one with the Creator, as much as possible.  

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 “When the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the white man, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your childrens’ children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone… At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent snd you them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land. The White Man will never be alone.

Let him be just and deal Kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead - I say? There is no death. Only a change of worlds.” - Chief Seattle

Wednesday, January 24, 2024





Sometimes I have to ask

      Is there anyone capable of love

         as deeply as I see?

Can not we all feel the joy of life,

    why does this wandering have to be?

Is it those things which keep our Spirit

     from being free?

The life which drives us in despair,

    Is often empty within and without,

birthing security from realities built 

    to keep the oceans out.

But islands should rise above the sea

    tranquil places within you and me.

Monday, January 22, 2024

      By ‘seeing’ the past, the present can be comprehended 

            and deeds done can alter the pages yet to be. 

                The end has not been written yet. 

                     Thusly, ones future can begin to take shape in other ways.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

       Most of us live only in the consciousness of waking in this multidimensionally fragmented world. A world made by men who believed in making what was best of what was best for them and their supporters; a materially held view of societal order.

        For most of us, this consciousness is everyday reality. We live it one day at a time, just like turning the page of a book. Some of us can perceive the book instead of the individual pages.


       Time is then perceived as spiritual time and energy can be understood as standing still yet seeing the pages of the book as an unfolding.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

                                                      people pass you

                                             and act like they don't see

                                              That's where we come in

                                              Hey, Stop! Just a minute

                                                  This person is real. 

                                                   and must be seen

                                             That's what we're here for.     

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

       How many of us understand the concept,

                  “I spent all my money?”


    Well just think how you’ll feel when you have 


                “spent all your time in life.”


       Have you invested or have you blown it?