Monday, August 26, 2024


I searched for Knowledge 

  which led to existential existence.

     States of Being beyond words

        Feelings and emotion free of encumbrances

 I smile now 

     Inside and 


In fact, my whole Beingness smiles.

Even though I don’t smile all the time

The smiling  is not a transitory state of Being

But an omnipresent state, awaiting temporary events to pass,

 And I feel the smile return

    Spreading like the morning sun

       First a beam

        Then the rising

          Till all is full

            With joy of living


Saturday, August 10, 2024


                     You are a Spirit regardless of your acceptance,

                   your knowledge or your willingness.        

                      You are individuated within the Field of Relativity.

                     It is a gift.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


            As the Spirit travels here on Earth 

          There appears to be Two Paths in Life

                -Both Paths are the Same-

           -Both Going in the same Direction-

          One is with Knowledge of Existence

      One is with the lack of Spiritual Knowledge

                   Which ever you are

                       Walk in Peace