Thursday, October 31, 2024

                                                                Meetings with Neishte  Part 3

        So many things that comes to us were meant to be blessings.      

        I think the church has an obligation to everyone who can become human, become knowledgeable, 

        Who can become educated and skilled, into  being a human being. 

        We can no longer legislate everything in the world. 

        There has to be a returning to the ground and the stuff that spawned us. 

        I see that as a role of the church, not just for aboriginals, cause all of us are aboriginal someplace,

        but for people who can see this.  

Monday, October 14, 2024


                                                       Meetings with Neishte  Part 2

Our gift begins with the creation of ourselves, in nine months or so. Then you have gotten a gift from life at that time: part of you that’s biological, it’s electrical, it’s plumbing, it’s everything needed. And it’s given to you as a gift. To us this force of life, this gift of life, is the creator. The part of life that allows us to grow, we call grandfather.  

And us being able to be a spirit, an existential being, individuated naturally, within the field of life, by a gift, by the mere fact of our birth-we belong on Earth!

Friday, October 11, 2024


                                      From meetings with Neishte-part 1

               What we try to do is to get our spirit here, so that it can experience and understand and begin to embrace the life           thats given it, regardless of whats its position is with man. If you’re not born into wealth you have to go make a living.


                You might say, “Well that’s not fair” 


                Well that’s the way it is. That’s the ground rules but, it shouldn’t take away the spirituality that each one of us is seeking. To be this oneness, with this force which had us, which is truly beneficial to us in every direction.