Sunday, June 30, 2024

                  What we have to know is that there is a Legacy. 

                                   One of man and 


                         Then there is the Legacy of the Creator.


                 Legacy is what we give to others or what we Leave to others.


              We all see the Legacy of Man. We have to deal with this Everyday.


               What we need to leran is how to use the Legacy to the Creator.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


         If one can imagine for one brief instant, that the body is an organ by which we manifest our Beingness into the       

                                     Realitivity of our individual manifestation.

       The Body is the instrument by which we take in, assimilate, and organize the Energy within the Field around us.


       This physical body is what allows us to perform here. As the body ages, it is like all things affected by Gravity, stress and strain, to the point that it no longer can absorb and (organize) the Bio-energy around us. 

       Thereafter comes liberating the spirit.

Monday, June 24, 2024

        Now that all is said but not done

           As I gaze into the eyes

              of my Father’s portrait 

            I think of the times gone by 

               when life filled the days

                and it seems like only yesterday

                  that those eyes gave back to us.


             In the days to come 

              I wonder if my family will look 

             into my pictures and see

                the love I had for them today.


              We still have today to make those memories

                 The photographs say little

                     but the life voyage means a lot.

Friday, June 14, 2024

        Our beingness through awareness of our 'blockages' and realignment of our senses will allow our biological processes to resonate with physical changes.The intense feelings and emotional trauma of the past must be reconciled in order for our energy fields to open to natural changes. This is often very difficult to do alone. Remember that DNA both takes in light and emits it. Our basic building blocks are not just mechanistic but are also interfaces which allows mediation between our physical manifestation and our spiritual realization.

        So let us see if we can learn to fluctuate our personal energy field.